1. Images and other content used on this web site will mostly be derived from the original catalogue of EMI and other records companies operating in Canada over the years (eg Quality, London, Pye, Columbia etc.).
2. Our intention is to stimulate a greater general level of interest in the original records that were issued in Canada beginning in the 20th. Century.
3. There are no hidden commercial purposes in presenting the information herein other than to provide an accurate historical set of facts for both present and future users of the web site's content.
4. Users are free to use information and images but we would appreciate a simple acknowledgement be attached to each item of information or image used. A good example is as follows: SOURCE: www.capitol6000.com
5. As far as possible we will always endeavour to obtain all necessary clearances for any images or factual content displayed on the web site.
6. If you have any queries about images or content used on the site, please email the query to piers@capitol6000.com . We respect that things can sometimes get messy with respect to permissions and therefore we operate as far as we can on a goodwill basis and will always respect the wishes of the online community when it comes to good taste.